Visitors Maps: Geographically visualize & locate website visitors from all over the globe

Locating your visitors on the globeIn the world of widgets(that are specific in action & use), a class of widgets providing a tool for monitoring the traffic & visits on websites & blogs from all over the globe. Knowing the geographic location & hits of visitors from a specific part of the world can be very useful to analyze the performance of the website in terms of volumes of hits from a specific part of the world & where the content targeted the most. Here is the list of the best visitor capturing maps for websites & blogs which are the best location identification tool.

The Number One: ClustrMaps
The most popular, free, easy to generate & at a glance visualization tool are ClustrMaps. ClustrMaps is a real time combined hit counter and geographic visualization tool. Once website URL & Email is provided to ClustrMaps, a HTML code thus generated, needs to be copied into a web page or 'blog gutter'. This HTML code includes a link to a thumbnail geographical map image of the world which shows the location of the visitors arrived.

How it works? When that image loads, it increments a counter on the ClustrMaps site and, when the map is updated (daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on website and blog traffic) it shows the locations of all the visitors to webpage since the beginning of a specific time interval. Clicking on that thumbnail map image reveals a larger world map display.

The Number Two: VisitorMaps
Cluster Map of Intelligent MovesAnother blog visitor's location monitoring tool is from which is also a free service. It is different from ClustrMaps as it shows the location of all the visitors to your site in the last 24 hours. It also provides a facility to users to customize the map  style, map size, visitor marker & color for the visitor markers.

Why Visitor Maps? 
Visitor Maps are quite helpful to:
  • Know your visitors: Knowing who are your websites and blog readers.

  • Target your content: Helps targeting your website and blog content ,adjust your content, your pitch, or your advertising according to the specific set of visitors.

  • Show off your community: Developing a reader's community based on continents.

  • Automatic: clicks optional: Each visitors to your site is automatically counted properly. Just visiting your site is sufficient. Of course, visitors can optionally click on the little thumbnail map widget and be taken to a large world map view for additional detail.

  • Speedy, scalable: Knowing the numbers of visits from a specific part of the world.

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