Increase Blog Traffic: Submit your websites & blogs to 100+ search engines & directories for Free

Here you can can submit your website to about 100+ search engines & directories.
Search engine results makes all the difference.
1. Manually Submitting your website to
Google is still the leader in the search engine market in Internet.
Google has 59.3% of total search share in U.S. for the month of May 2008. There is 3% increase in the search engine market share for Google when compared to the same period in 2007. But the share is decreased by 2.7% when compared to April 2008, where it has 62% of the market share, which is the highest ever gained by a search engine. The number of search queries increased by 15.4% over the year. Click here to submit your site to
2. Manually Submitting your website to
Next to Google is Yahoo. Click here to submit your site to
3. Manually Submitting your website Windows Live
Microsoft’s Windows live search is at third position with 13.3% share of total US search market for the month of May, 2008, which is the highest share for MSN in the last five months. The market share grew by 4.9% from May, 2007 and 3.6% over the month of April 2008. Windows also registered 72.4% growth in the number of searches compared to previous year. Click here to submit your site to
Why submit your site manually to each search engine, when you can submit your URL from one place to all of them just by filling out one simple form that only asks for your web site URL and email address.
4. Submitting your website to Submit Express
Click here to submit your site to 40+ search engines and directories for free
by filling up just one form.(submits through one form to all sites in one go)
5. Submitting your website to
To add your URL below to submit to 100 search engines like altavista, excite, go, google, hotbot, infoseek and lycos & more click here.
6. Submitting your website to
To add your URL below to submit to 10 more search engines, click here.
Repeatedly submitting(twice in a month) your website URL to different major search engines can help in greater page ranks, more visibility in search engine results & thus help in a traffic boost at website & blog.
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